Current USA Karate Members: You are Invited to our Upcoming March Selection Committee Meeting


This is an open call to join our Selection Committee Meeting. Please note, this is only allowed for current members of USA Karate.

Thursday, March 28th @ 3:00 PM Central

You must register for this event by March 25th, at which you will be provided the Teams Call information. Please contact to register.


1. Opening

2. Declaration of Conflicts

3. Approval of Written Minutes of 2/15/24 meeting

4. Public Comments

5. Matters arising from the February 15th minutes

6. Chair Reports

a. Annual Update to the Board

b. Other Updates

7. Main Items of Business

a. Selection Committee Desktop Procedures

b. PanAm Team Selection Policy

c. Selection Document for Athletes for Team Trials

d. Selection Document for Officials for Team Trials

8. Other business

9. Next Meeting Date

10. Adjournment