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National Coaches

2024 National Team Coaches
USA Karate
Title: Director of Sport
Cell Phone:  469 233-0968
State/Region: Texas/Region 3
Years in Karate: 34
Rank: 6th Dan (USA NKF), 6th Dan (WIKF)
Style: Wado Ryu        

USA NKF previous roles held: Tournament Director, Team Leader, National Coach, Head Kumite Coach and Administrative Head Coach

Major Accomplishments: Olympic Coach. He has coached every level of competition from Regional Championships to the Olympic Games.  He is the only karate coach in the US to have produced two Olympians and two Pan Am Games Champions in the same year.  He is one of two karate coaches in the world who personally coached two karate athletes who qualified for the 2020 Olympic Games. USA Olympic Development Coach of the Year, USA NKF Coach of the Year.

Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice and a second Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, both from Sam Houston State University

Other: In addition to his work in the karate world, Burns is a Federal Law Enforcement Officer

2024 National Team Coaches
USA Karate
Title: Head Coach – Kumite Program
Cell Phone: 412-728-6223
State/Region: Pennsylvania/Region 4
Years in Karate: 40       
Rank: 6th Dan (Japan Karate Do Jinen Kai), 3rd Dan (USANKF)
Style:  Shotokan

USA NKF previous roles held: USA National Coach 2005-present, 2011 USA Olympic Developmental Coach of the Year, 2010-2011-2023 Coach of the Year, 2011 & 2023 Pan American Games Coach, World Combat Games Coach, Junior Pan American Games Coach

Major Accomplishments: Member of the USA National Team 1989-2000 (kumite), Pan American Games Bronze medalist, Junior Pan American Champion, Senior Pan American Champion, North American Cup Champion, Multiple time USA Karate National Champion & International medalist.

Education: Sports Management, Robert Morris College

Other: Dojo Owner 1992-present, previous owner of Per-Fit Gym & Personal Training, off season strength and conditioning coach for NHL, NFL, Collegiate and Olympic level athletes.

2024 National Team Coaches
USA Karate
Title: Head Coach – Youth Development Program
Cell Phone: 916-230-4657
State/Region: Hawaii/Region
Years in Karate: 43                
Rank: 4th Dan (Goju Ryu) & 3rd Dan (USANKF)        
Style: Goju Ryu (formerly Shito)

USA NKF previous roles held: Team USA athlete from 1995-2007, she has transitioned over to the national coaching staff and has been a part of their junior and senior program since 2017. Team USA host liaison for the pre-games camp in Koga City for the Tokyo Summer Olympic Games. Pan American Games Coach.

Major Accomplishments: Pan Am Games Medalist, Pan American Championship Medalist, World University Championship Medalist. She has helped to produce many of her personal athletes to make the USA Jr. & Sr. National Team to compete at both the PKF and WKF level competitions. Over the years, her students have found success at the international level bringing home medals both for Team USA and her personal dojo. 

Education: Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology from CSU, Sacramento.

Other: Chief Instructor for Kachi Karate Hawaii

2024 National Team Coaches
USA Karate
Title:  Head Coach – Para Karate Program
Cell Phone: 847-721-2423
State/Region: Illinois/Region 4
Years in Karate: 55                
Rank: 7th Dan (USA NKF)                  
Style: Shotokan

USA NKF previous roles held: National Coach, Kata and Kumite, 1984-2014, Head Para Karate Coach 2014-present, current Para Karate committee member and Head Coach. Pioneer in the founding of the Para Karate Program for USA NKF

Major Accomplishments: Paralympic Coach of the Year, USA NKF Coach of the Year, longest serving member of the National Coaching staff. Coached Para Karate athlete to World Championship Gold Medal (2021), multiple Jr PKF medalists, has coached multiple world champions and world medalists, world university games medalists, PUKO and Pan Am games coach. Multiple time Maccabiah Games Coach and athlete.

Education: Bachelor’s Degree in English from Illinois State University

Other: WKF Para Karate Commission member (2012-2017), PKF Para Karate Commission Chair (2012-2018), Founder of North Shore Dojo (1978-present), Founder of Karate Can DO! Foundation (2010 – present)

2024 National Team Coaches
USA Karate
Title: Head Coach – Kata Program
Cell Phone: 720-300-8044
State/Region: Colorado/Region 2
Years in Karate: 51    
Rank: 7th Dan (Shito Ryu), 5th Dan Ryuei Ryu
Style: Shito Ryu

USA NKF previous roles held: 2020 Tokyo Olympics Kata Coach, National Kata and Kumite Coach since 2018

Major Accomplishments: 2021 USA NKF Coach of the Year, only Karate coach to coach and have their athlete medal in the Olympics, only coach to have athletes with medals in WKF Junior and senior in Kumite and Kata with Venezuela, Egypt, France, Colombia, Dominican Republic and Taiwan. Coached at the ANOC Beach Games. Only Coach with Medals in all multisport Events: Olympic Games, PanAm Games, Asian Games, African Games, Oceania Games, Combat Games, World Games, FISU World Sport University Federation, European Karate Federation, Asian Karate Federation, UAKF African Karate Federation, Oceanian Karate Federation

Education: Degree in Graphic Design (Venezuela)

Other: Most decorated Coach in the History of Venezuelan Karate. 

2024 National Team Coaches
USA Karate
Title: Head Coach – Sports Performance Program
Cell Phone: 972-984-0227
State/Region: Texas/Region 3
Years in Karate: 41    
Rank: 2nd Dan (USANKF & WIKF)       
Style: Wadu Ryu                    

USA NKF previous roles held:  former team athlete, Junior National Team, National Coach, National Sports Performance Coach

Major Accomplishments: Junior Pam American Gold & Silver Medalist, 5x National Champion, 7x National Team Athlete. Has helped develop many athletes who have made the Junior and Senior National Teams and earn podium finishes at Youth Leagues, Pan American Championships, Series A, Premier League, World Championships and Pan American Games. He is the only Sports Performance Coach in the nation to coach Olympic Karate Kumite Athletes through the qualification process and competition in the Olympic Games.

Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Decision Systems from Carnegie Mellon University, Master’s Degree in Business Administration Carnegie Mellon University

Other: With over 25 years of coaching experience, he owns a Sports Performance coaching business that trains athletes from around the country reach their greatest potential across a broad range of sports.

2024 Team USA Headshots
USA Karate
Name: Gino Alfonso                 
Title: Lead National Coach - Region 6           
Cell Phone: 786-339-0285
State/Region: Florida/Region 6
Years in Karate: 24 years
Rank: 3rd Dan (USA NKF)
Style:  Shito Ryu                     
USA NKF previous roles held: Junior National Team Member

Major Accomplishments: Many students who have medaled at WKF Junior Championships, PKF Junior Championships

Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Union University (Florida)

2024 National Team Coaches
USA Karate
Name: Ashley Davis                 
Title: National Coach
Cell Phone: 516-236-3601
State/Region: New York/Region 5
Years in Karate: 26
Rank: 3rd Dan in both Shotokan and USA NKF
Style: Shotokan         

USA NKF previous roles held: Junior Team Member, Senior Team Member, AAC member

 Major Accomplishments: 2017 Pan American Championships Gold Medalist, 2016 World Championship Bronze medalist (Team Kumite), North American Gold Medalist, Shotokan Worlds Gold Medalist

Education: Certified in Motor Planning and Fine Motor Skills

Other: Founder and Main Instructor of A+ Martial Arts

2024 National Team Coaches
USA Karate
Name: Jarrett Leiker                
Title: National Coach
Cell Phone: 816-716-3123
State/Region: Kansas/Region 4
Years in Karate: 35
Rank: 6th Dan in Goju Ryu, 3rd Dan USA NKF
Style: Goju Ryu        

USA NKF previous roles held: Leiker joined the National Coaching staff as a National Teams Trainer in 2022 and in 2024 was promoted to National Coach. His focus as a National Coach is to contribute to the growth and expansion of the National Kata Program.

Major Accomplishments: As a coach, he has had 9 athletes reach the top 10 WKF World Ranking, 24 WKF/PKF/K1 international medals, 21 National Team members trained from 5 countries.

Education: Undergraduate degree with majors in History and Political Science, minors in Theology and Business from Rockhurst University and Law Degree from University of Missouri-Kansas City.

2024 Team USA Headshots
USA Karate
Name: John Limcaco
Title: Lead National Coach - Region 1
Cell Phone: 916-849-8292

State/Region:  California/Region 1    

Years in Karate: 50

Rank: 5th Dan in both Shito-Ryu and for USA NKF

Style: Shito-Ryu       

USA NKF previous roles held: National Coach since 2000

Major Accomplishments: Practiced karate under Sensei Chuzo Kotaka from Hawaii. Coached and developed 3x World Champion Elisa Au, 2x World Champion and Pan Am Games Gold Medalist George Kotaka, 2x Pan Am Games Gold Medalist and 2x WKF Bronze Medalist Shannon Nishi. Has produced numerous Jr. and Sr. WKF World Champions and medalists and Jr. and Sr. PKF gold medalists

Education: Major in Political Science

Other: Coached the 1st time the women’s team kumite placed at the WKF World Championships, earning the bronz

2024 National Team Coaches
USA Karate
Name: Kamran Madani                           
Title: Lead National Coach - Region 2
Cell Phone: 720-635-8183             
Email:                      State/Region: Colorado/Region 2
Years in Karate: 22
Rank: 4th Dan IMA, 3rd Dan USA NKF
Style: Shotokan

USA NKF previous roles held: Member of the Junior National Team, Member of the Senior National Team. A total of 16 year4s on the National Teams.

Major Accomplishments: Pam American Games Gold Medalist, World Games Bronze Medalist, University World Champion, Junior World Championship Bronze medalist.

Education: Undergraduate degree in Psychology, Master’s Degree in Sports Psychology.

2024 National Team Coaches
USA Karate
Name: Tony Mendonca         
Title: National Coach
Cell Phone: 503-857-5450
State/Region: Oregon/Region 1
Years in Karate: 43
Rank: 6th Dan in Shot Ryu, 3rd Dan in USA NKF
Style: Shito Ryu          

USA NKF previous roles held: National Teams Trainer, USANKF National Referee

Major Accomplishments: AAU All American, AAU Joel Ferrell award recipient, AAU Oregon Coach of the Year, WKO and WKC World Championships, 3 gold medals, 3 silver medals, 3 bronze medals. Former National Champion in Kata, Kumite and Kobudo. Shito Ryu Japan Taikai 3x Kumite champion.

Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Other: WKF accredited coach, WKF Certified Kumite Coach, NSPA certifications for Strength and Conditioning, SAQ, Program Design, and Nutrition.

2024 National Team Coaches
USA Karate
Name: Christina Muccini
Title: Lead National Coach – Region 5
Cell Phone: 516-606 2086
State/Region: New York/Region 5

Years in Karate: 40

Rank: 4th Dan Shotokan, 3 rd Dan USA NKF

Style: Shotokan

USA NKF previous roles held: Junior National Team member, Senior National Team member Coaches Committee member, Team Leader, National Coach since 2007 Major Accomplishments: 8-time National Champion, PKF Gold Medalist and 2 time Bronze Medalist, Pan Am Games 2 time Bronze Medalist, coaches Senior Female Kumite Team to Bronze medal in the World Championships, Coach multiple Junior and Senior team members to Gold medals in PKF, USA NKF Coach of the Year 2015

Education: Real Estate License, Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Phoenix University, and a degree in Business Management from Long Island University (in process)

Other: Fitness Coach, Real Estate Broker, Substitute Administrator for the Port Washington School District, works in the HS in the main office, nurses office and assistant principals office.

2024 National Team Coaches
USA Karate
Name: Cheryl Murphy 
Title: National Coach
Cell Phone: 718-926-2468
State/Region: New York/Region 5

Years in Karate: 

Rank: 35+                                    

Style: Shotokan 

USA NKF previous roles held: National Team athlete, USA NKF board member, coach, AAC council member, JEDI council member 

Major Accomplishments: Athlete of the year, 3x Jr Pan American Medalist, 17x National Team member, 2x Bronze WKF Womens Team, Bronze Pan Am Games, Bronze World Games, Silver and Bronze World Combat Games, 5x Pan American Championships

Education: Masters Degree 

Other: Loves to dance, bake, and cook

2024 National Team Coaches
USA Karate
Name: Luis Sanchez   
Title: National Coach
Cell Phone:  305-305-0286
State/Region: Florida/Region 6
Years in Karate: 37
Rank: 6th Dan Shito Ryu and 3rd Dan USANKF
Style: Shito Ryu        
USA NKF previous roles held: WKF Judge A
Major Accomplishments: Student Zoe Meszaro made 5 consecutive JR PKF Finals in Kata, winning 3 Golds and 2 silvers. Also, she has won Nationals 7 times in a row. IN 2023 had 7 students make the JR National Team and 3 make the SR National Team.
Education: Lived in Japan in Headquarters of Shito Kai for two years, just training karate.
Other: Grew up on Margarita Island in Venezuela.

USA Karate National Trainers
USA Karate
Name: Megan Cicchetti
Title: National Sports Performance Coach
Cell Phone: 720-289-5399

State/Region: Colorado/Region 2

Years in Karate: 30

Rank: 3rd Dan

Style: Shotokan

USA NKF previous roles held: Jr. & Senior USA Karate team member 2003-2016 for kata and kumite ; US team pool -61kg female kumite 2017-2022; Athlete Representative, Medical Committee;  USA Karate Strength and Conditioning Coach

Major Accomplishments:  Landow Performance Coach of the Year 2023; Recipient of the Colorado Budokan, Friendship Cup Tournament "Budo Spirit Award” 2007;  Recipient of the JKA Women's Black Belt Honorable Mention Award 2007; Received the level of Shodan and won a Gold Medal in Kata at the Konishi Cup in Tokyo, Japan 2001

Education: Bachelor’s Degree: Exercise Science from Metro State University

Other: She’s working on learning Spanish!  Favorite katas are Konkusho & Unsu. Favorite kumite technique is the reverse punch.

SafeSport accreditation requires that two steps be completed, a NCSI background check required every two years, and the online SafeSport Training required annually. 

To access your background check and SafeSport training, log into your membership account at 

For information regarding SafeSport Training, please contact the National Office at