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Annual Membership FAQ#

How much does an individual membership cost?

An individual athlete annual membership is $60 per year, individual coaches and officials memberships are $75 per year.

I cannot log in to my membership account?

Generally, if you cannot log in to your membership account, it is because you have not enabled the cookies on your internet browser. You can change this in the browser preferences, or you can try using a different internet browser and typing in the link usakaratemembership.com directly. If you are still unable to access your account, please send an email to natoffice@usankf.org.

Where can I find my membership number? 

You'll be able to access all of the memberships attached to your account by going to usakaratemembership.com and logging in. Once logged in, you will see all your membership numbers of athletes, coaches and officials associated with your account. If any accounts are missing, email us at natoffice@usankf.org and let us know what members should be under your account and we will associate them for you (please include the ID number of these members with your email).

I paid for a membership but it does not show that it is current on my account?

If you have paid for a membership renewal and have received a confirmation email showing the new expiration date, please email the receipt to natoffice@usankf.org and we will correct this error as soon as possible.

How do I view multiple memberships under one account?

To link multiple memberships, use the same email address for each membership as used to create your account. Once you are logged in, you will see all of the membership numbers of athletes associated with your account.

How long is my membership valid for?

All memberships are valid through December 31 of the year in which they were purchased. Memberships purchased after September 30th will be valid through the end of the following year.

When will I receive my membership card?

Membership cards take 6-8 weeks to process beginning after January 1st. Membership cards are not required to register for events.